Flagstaff Carpark Pty Ltd ACN 640 717 871 ABN: 83 640 717 871
By entering this Car Park you agree to enter into a contract with Flagstaff Carpark Pty Ltd. The terms and conditions are set out below.
If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, immediately remove your vehicle from this Car Park.
1. You enter this Car Park at your own risk. We may refuse entry of any vehicle or person.
2. A parking fee is payable for each vehicle that enters. By entering this Car Park, you agree to pay the parking fee set by us and agree to
follow the terms and conditions set out below.
3. We may use our employees and automatic number plate recognition to check whether you have stayed longer than your ticket allows. If
required, you MUST provide us with your correct vehicle number plate. If you fail to provide us with the correct details, you may be issued
with a breach notice.
4. While in the Car Park you must comply with all signs, directions and requests made by us.
5. We are not liable to you or any person with you for
(a) injury to you or anybody else
(b) damage to, destruction of, theft of or unauthorised delivery up of your vehicle or any other vehicle or property, including in or on your vehicle.
(c) trespass to or upon your vehicle or any other property in the Car Park
and you release and indemnity us from any claim, which you, or any person with you might otherwise have against us.
6. We have the right to retain your vehicle as a security for any money which you owe us.
7. We have the right, at our discretion, to move your vehicle (including moving it to an outside location) even if your vehicle is locked. These
conditions continue to apply, and we are not liable for any damages caused when we move it.
8. You agree to:
(a) not cause any obstruction or take up more than one car parking bay
(b) correctly provide your vehicle number plate details when paying the parking fee and ensure your plates are clearly displayed
(c) not park in no parking areas
(d) not use this Car Park other than in accordance with these terms and conditions
(e) produce, when requested by us, your parking ticket or proof or payment
9. If you breach any of the conditions in item 5 above, you will pay us liquidation damages of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00)
10. Each exclusion of our liability in these conditions is subject to any law which restricts or forbids the exclusion of liability including the Trade
Practices Act and similar State Legislation.
11. In these conditions referenced to:
(a) ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ means Flagstaff Carpark Pty Ltd, its employees, agents and independent contractors
(b) ‘your vehicle’ includes a vehicle driven, or intended to be driven, by you into this Car Park.